Éditions de Boccard

La collection des moulages de la Société d’archéologie classique et byzantine de l’Université libre de Bruxelles. Histoire d’une restauration

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Négligées pendant des décennies, les collections de moulages didactiques font désormais l’objet de programmes de réhabilitation, de restauration et de valorisation à long terme. La collection de moulages de l’Université libre de Bruxelles est créée à partir de 1930 par la Fondation archéologique, devenue aujourd’hui la Société d’archéologie classique et byzantine.

Shapes and Uses of Greek Vases (7th–4th centuries B.C.)

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This volume publishes the Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of Brussels (ULB) in April 2006. It places special emphasis on the shapes of Greek vases and how they might shed light on different aspects of pottery production, such as the organization of workshops, the distribution and reception of pottery, and uses of ancient ceramics.

Pottery Markets in the Ancient Greek World (8th - 1st centuries B.C.). Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the Université libre de Bruxelles 19-21 June 2008

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This volume publishes the Proceedings of an International Symposium held at the University of Brussels (ULB) in June 2008. Contributions discuss the role played by Greek pottery in trade networks and exchanges in the ancient Mediterranean world. Articles are grouped according to three topics, “Trade and traders: value, transport and places of exchange; Markets and products: the markets of fine ware; markets and products: vase containers”.

Pots, Workshops and Early Iron Age Society. Function and Role of Ceramics in Early Greece

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This volume brings together a number of papers that were presented at the international symposium on Pots, Workshops and Early Iron Age Society. Function and Role of Ceramics in Early Greece organised by the University of Athens (UoA) and the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), and held at the Université libre de Bruxelles in November 2013. The papers are divided in five parts, following the themes of the conference: production and workshops, context and function, pottery and rituals, mobility and interaction, iconography and early society.

ΤΕΡΨΙΣ. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology in honour of Nota Kourou

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The present collective volume is offered in honour of Nota Kourou, in celebration of her distinguished academic contribution to the archaeology of the Early Iron Age Aegean and the Mediterranean. Over forty former doctoral students – many of them now leading academics in their own right, colleagues and friends have contributed papers on topics that relate to the diverse fields of interests Nota Kourou has pursued.

Le sanctuaire gallo-romain de « La Taille Marie » à Aiseau-Presles

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De 2011 à 2015, le site de « La Taille Marie » à Aiseau-Presles (Bel.) a été fouillé de manière exhaustive par l’Université libre de Bruxelles, dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche consacré aux sanctuaires gallo-romains. Associé à un grand domaine agricole, ce lieu de culte semble être de nature privée. Les premières activités religieuses remontent à la fin du Ier s. av. J.‑C. et sont caractérisées par des concentrations de mobilier religieux, notamment des vases de petite taille, des monnaies et des fibules.