Tarquin Sinan

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Chercheur Post-Doctorant (FNRS)

Tarquin Sinan is a doctor in contemporary art history, specialised in sculpture, its spatiality and relating perceptive phenomena. Initially focused on British and more generally Anglo-Saxon sculpture, his research investigates the communicative dynamics between the object and its beholders in a given space. Between 2019 and 2022, he worked as part of the team that manages the European Parliament’s Contemporary Art Collection in Brussels. Currently, he is a post-doctoral fellow affiliated with the CReA-Patrimoine (ULB).

Présentation des recherches

The present project, ‘Remembering to Forget: A Study of Northern Cyprus’ public sculpture as ideological infrastructure’, seeks to offer the first thorough and comprehensive scientific art historical assessment of public sculpture in the internationally unrecognised ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ in order to study the paradoxical role played by the sculptural medium, as a form of ‘ideological infrastructure’, in this exceptional context. The corpus in question, initiated in 1953, consists of figurative ethno-nationalist statues and other commemorative monuments.

Travaux sélectionnés

Sinan, Tarquin. 2022. «Art Under Embargo – the genesis of Turkish Cypriot public sculpture in the internationally unrecognised ‘Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’». International Conference Public Art as a Bridge over Troubled Places. Porto. Portuguese Catholic University. 17-18 November 2022.

Sinan, Tarquin. 2022. « The Industrial Revolution » – entre évidences, ruptures et mythes, une lecture des sculptures modernes anglo-saxonnes en métal. Sculptures (Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre), N°8 : 91-100.

Sinan, Tarquin. 2019. Le phénomène de réception anticipée : analyse comparative de trois œuvres monumentales d’Antony Gormley. Sculptures (Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre), N°6 : 117-124.

Sinan, Tarquin. 2019. Holes & Orifices; Understanding the communicative dimensions of Antony Gormley’s moulded bodied. Emotion Space and Society 33, (Losing Ground: A Collection of Holes Special Issue, November).

Sinan, Tarquin. 2016. Le passage du moderne au contemporain en Angleterre : le paysage et l’architecture comme concepts de redéfinition de la sculpture au travers de l’œuvre de Henry Moore et d’Anthony Caro. Sculptures (Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre) N°3 : 41-47.