Postdoctoral Research Day of the CReA-Patrimoine - 12 mars 2021

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09.45-09.55 Opening of the Teams session

09.55- 10.00 Introduction

10.00- 10.40 From trinkets to treasures: an overview of metallurgical production in the north Aegean from the Final Neolithic to Classical times – Nerantzis NERANTZIS (Marie Curie IF)

10.40- 11.20 Conflicting Dorian Ethnicities in Early Iron Age-Archaic Crete – Catharine JUDSON (Marie Curie IF)

11.40-12.20 Physical and social visibility: some notes on funerary markers, landmarks and rituals in the Strymon river plain – Yangos CHALAZONITIS (FNRS postdoctoral fellow)

12.20-13.00 Discussion

13.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00- 14.40 Maritime Urban Environments: Tracing the earliest artificial harbours of the Mediterranean – Tzveta MANOLOVA (Fondation Wiener-Anspach postdoctoral fellow)

14.40- 15.20 The different fates of architecture: some preliminary observation on reuse and reoccupation patterns in Late Antique Near East – Nicolò PINI (Marie Curie IF)

15.20-16.00 The first sanctuaries of Islam: A worldwide distribution of excavated mosques, 7th-9th centuries CE – Hagit NOL (Marie Curie IF)

16.00-17.00 Discussion

Online session on Teams

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